Viale della Concordia 79, 87040 Mendicino (CS)


Flora mediterranea al servizio della salute

 » News  »  Sila Officinalis 2021: the success of the 20th edition
Sila Officinalis 2021: the success of the 20th edition

On Saturday October 9th at the "Casa del Forestiero" in Camigliatello Silano the 20th edition of Sila Officinalis took place. This was an event on medicinal herbs promoted by Gruppo Naturalisticho Micologico Silano and Parco nazionale della Sila in collaboration with Ordine dei dottori agronomi e forestali di Cosenza.

This year the conference was held following a particularly innovative programme. In fact, innovative start-ups, enterprises and research laboratories were among the participants, showing how is possible to create ravenue and social value in Calabria Region thanks to medicinal herbs.

In this context, Naturextralab had the opportunity to present its activities, illustrating its experience with medicinal herbs.

The registration of the speaches is available here.